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The catastrophic consequences of truck accidents

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2023 | Personal Injury

Most people consider car accidents fender benders, where two people emerge from their cars. Some exhibit anger over the sudden event but find a way to resolve the situation, particularly after law enforcement shows up.

However, when a standard motor vehicle collides with a commercial truck, the odds are against the individual in the smaller transport. On average, large trucks weigh up to 30 times more than passenger cars, increasing the likelihood of those occupants suffering more catastrophic injuries. In some cases, the sheer force of the collisions is life-ending.

Alarming statistics

Federal studies on truck accidents reveal that 2020 saw 71 percent of smaller vehicle occupants losing their lives in large-truck collisions with cyclists and pedestrians at 13 percent. Truck drivers fared better, with only 17 percent of accidents being fatal.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) puts 18-wheel operators at a significantly higher standard than licensed drivers. Extensive training leading to a commercial driver’s license is mandatory before they can operate a big rig. However, many who have taken these steps still fall woefully short in their on-road performance.

Various factors surround what caused a trucking accident and include:

  • Vehicle problems – Maintenance is of paramount importance, yet trucks traveling down roads throughout the nation are doing so with worn tires and malfunctioning brakes.
  • Speeding – Truckers looking to “make good time” or play catch up can drive recklessly and over the speed limit. At 65 miles alone, the truck needs a little more than 500 feet to come to a complete stop or close to the length of two football fields.
  • Fatigue – Sleep-deprived truck drivers continue to be a clear and present danger to occupants of other vehicles nearby. Federal mandates exist to regulate the amount of time driving and mandatory breaks. Sadly, many truckers and their employers attempt to sidestep those mandates.

The aftermath of the collision creates confusion combined with severe pain from injuries. Help from a personal injury attorney skilled in these types of catastrophic collisions can potentially secure a sense of justice following the trauma of an accident.