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Common causes of injury in a trucking accident

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2023 | Personal Injury

Trucking accidents can have devastating consequences, often resulting in serious injuries. It goes without saying that large trucks have the size and weight to cause massive damage when a crash occurs.

Understanding how exactly a large truck crash can cause injuries can help you take appropriate action after an accident.


Speeding is a major factor in the damage a truck can cause. When truck drivers exceed the speed limit, it increases the likelihood of losing control of the vehicle and reduces their ability to stop in time to avoid a collision. Speeding also magnifies the force of impact, making injuries more severe.

Poor weather conditions

Truck drivers often have to navigate through various weather conditions. Rain, snow, ice and fog can all make driving more challenging. Reduced visibility and slippery roads increase the risk of accidents, sometimes even causing crush injuries as a result of a rollover.

Mechanical Failures

Truck maintenance is a must for safe driving. Mechanical failures, such as brake malfunctions or tire blowouts, can cause accidents. Regular inspections and proper maintenance can greatly minimize the risk of injury.

Overloaded trucks

Overloading a truck or distributing cargo poorly can destabilize the vehicle, making it more prone to accidents. Exceeding the weight limit or balancing the load improperly can lead to injuries if the driver loses control or if the trailer rolls over.

Statistics show that 523,796 large truck accidents occurred across the United States in 2021. These types of accidents are unfortunately common and devastating. It is important for everyday motorists to understand the risks posed by large trucks and the injuries they can cause.