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Common causes of trucking accidents

On Behalf of | Nov 13, 2023 | Personal Injury

Trucking accidents are a frequent occurrence on roadways, and they pose a serious threat to public safety.

It is important to identify and understand the key causes of these accidents and work towards preventing them.

Driver fatigue

Trucking accident rates increased by 18% from 2020 to 2021, resulting in 5,700 large truck accidents. One of the leading causes of these accidents is driver fatigue. Truck drivers often work long hours, which can lead to exhaustion. Fatigue impairs a driver’s judgment and reaction time.

Distracted driving

Distracted driving is prevalent in trucking accidents. Anything that diverts a driver’s attention from the road, such as texting, eating or adjusting the radio, can lead to accidents. Truck drivers must remain focused on driving at all times.

Poor weather conditions

Adverse weather conditions, including rain, snow, ice or fog, can make driving hazardous for everyone, including truck drivers. Reduced visibility and slippery roads increase the risk of accidents. Truck drivers must exercise extra caution in inclement weather.

Mechanical failures

Mechanical failures, such as brake or tire malfunctions, can lead to trucking accidents. Regular maintenance and inspections are important to ensure that a truck’s components are in good working order.

Overloaded or improperly loaded trucks

Overloading a truck or improper cargo loading can affect a truck’s stability and handling, increasing the risk of accidents. Trucking companies need to adhere to weight limits and ensure proper loading techniques.

Lack of visibility

Truck drivers have limited visibility as a result of their vehicles’ sizes. If other drivers linger in truckers’ blind spots, also known as “no-zones,” this behavior can lead to accidents. All drivers should be aware of a truck’s blind spots and avoid them.

Understanding the common causes of trucking accidents is important for road safety. All drivers can help reduce the number of trucking accidents.